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Starting a Children's Book Project

I'm re-interpreting a Children's Book into 3D.

Starting with the Cover Art

Here's my 3D Modelling work in progress. It's sped up 4x, feel free to scan and browse or scrub the timeline.

Part 1 of modelling the Cover Art, starting with the house (or building)

After a 3D/ Blender Hiatus

Just a few days ago, I saw BlenderCon 2022 on my feed. I started watching. I was thinking of learning Grease Pencil all over again. I tried browsing tutorials, saw 1 or 2, new ones and old ones but I didn't finish. I'm thinking about the project and how best to go about it. I initially really wanted a Grease Pencil project... but that would take a while... I reviewed a video I saw in BlenderCon 2022 by Nicole aka @nicky_blender. She said something about just starting with Blender helped her learn it more (quickly) than following tutorials.

Alas! I decided, I'm just going to start modeling without taking a refresher course. I go with stock knowledge. Also, there's internet and my previous notes to look up a shortcut, etc.

True enough, this worked for me as well. It's much faster to move forward that way.

So, in case you had a hiatus like me, not touching Blender for a year or in a long while, it's much faster to just go ahead and trust that if you've done it before, you can do it again. And the brain connects faster to what you've already known, and the practice itself. Drawing, painting and modeling in 3d is hand-eye coordination activity. I think that we tend to overlook the physical, hand-eye coordination thing... That's my assumption, of course, that especially when a digital interface comes in between, we are almost sucked into the virtual world we over-value the knowing (theoretical knowledge)... but even typing is like learning a bike— or rather relearning how to ride a bike.

... Well, I think gamers know this. It's not just solving a puzzle, strategizing and timing — timing has to do with your hand-eye coordination— how fast or slow you press a button, or multiple buttons simultaneously at times.

Part 2 of modelling the Cover Art, starting with the house (or building)

I'm thinking I could add here some notes on shortcuts I learned to use again. I think I'll find also a better of doing things, so it's good to have a documentation to track my progress. Also, who knows, it could help someone too!

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